Tuesday, October 28, 2008

An Award!

Mom gave me an award Kreative something or another! i am supposed to list 6 happy things! So here goes:
1. I love music, any kind but rap and country is good for me!
2.Reruns make me happy! because i can watch a show that has been over for years and still think its great.
3.Seeing Kailyn and Camden after not seeing them for a long time!
4. How Emma says my name. She calls me Warly!
5. Making Levi smile and laugh!
6. Family all together.
Lots of things make me happy but family is my most favorite!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

It's been a while...

It sure has! Alot has happened since my last blog. I turned 17, my marching band has done great things. Lets back up here a little bit, we went to floyd central and won that competition, then we traveled to District and got a gold rating which sent us to Regional, our last invitational was was at salem and our director placed us in the highest class were we competed against Paoli and Corydon, these bands go to state almost every year. We lost to Corydon and Beat Paoli by .5 points which is that great. We went to regional last weekend and got a gold rating and we were in the top ten which means we can go to semi-state. We are the first band at my school since 1978 to get past a regional event and we got the highest score since 1978 also we got a 77.75. Last night we went to Franklin Community High School for the ISSMA Semi-State competition if you get in the top ten you you advance to the State Finals at the Lucas Oit Stadium next weekend. We did not place in the top ten but we did place 11 which means we are right there. Next year is our year.

Sunday, September 28, 2008


So mom sent this thing that said that she tagged me, and i have to say that mom your weird!! But i'll do it!
Seven things about me thats hard!!
1. I am double jointed in my fingers and they are kind of stuck that way! I cant point my finger straight!
2. Like mom i love Liver Cheese no mayo but fresh tomato! mmmm Delicious!
3. When i was little i chewed my nails and my middle finger got infected and i had a band aid on it and walked around flipping people off! I was like 4 and didnt know any better!!
4. I used to play all kinds of sports, Basketball, Tennis, Volleyball, and Softball! Now i am just a band geek!!
5. I'm Lactose intolerant, but i love cheese!
6. Sometimes i sleep walk and want to take showers at like 2 in the morning!
7. I never got to go trick or treating because by the time i got around mom decided that trick or treating was worshipping to devil!
But that's al i have to say!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

First Competition!

We had our first two competitions yesturday! Sorry i forgot to post times. We went to North Harrison firts and had to do a stand still performance because their footbal team played friday and it rained and was tore up pretty bad! So instead of giving us a visual score they just doubled our music score. We ended up getting second which would have been great and all if there werent just two bands there! But we also got some extra awards which were Best Percussion (which i am included in! Go Me!), Best General effect and Best Pit Crew( which is kind of me
also). We ended up with a score of 55 out of 100 which isnt bad for our forst competiton of the year! There were only 6 bands there two bands in each class i think it was becuase of the rain. But i didnt think that there field was that bad! After we ate some delicious McDonalds and practiced a little more a NH we traveled to Corydon Central High School! Their field was worse the spot were the pit had to stand was a big mud hole it was horrible. We just got new uniforms white pants white shoes. Not a pretty site after that. But we did a little better at Corydon's Competition and by a little i mean a lot! We got Best Auxilary( flags), Best Music, Best General Effect, and Best Visual! So i think that you have already figured out if you have ever been in a band world that we also got 1st Place! To me i didnt think that we did all that well but we were only 4 points behind Jefforsonville and they are in a class ahead of us and they got third out od 4 bands so i dont know if we got a higher score then Bloomington South he did say because our director wont tell us until monday! So when i find out i will post! But our next competition is now on Sat. the 20 in paoli i dont know the time yet but if anyone wants to know just ask!

Sunday, August 31, 2008


We had our first football game on friday and the team lost and the band was horrible! We are no where near ready for Saturday! But i do think that it opened some peoples minds up to how important every minutes of practice is. But in other news the Hawk Nelson concert has been rescheduled until october the 19th which is funny because that is the day after my birthday! So i guess it still all works out in the end! This past week Ryan Shawver died 9everyone pretty much already knows that). I didnt know him all that well but it still makes me sad because he was a really nice person! I know that he is in a better place but just to think that he was only like 3-4 years older then me it just really gets me. The fact that i just started driving and i have to get my tires pumped up about every other day and they think that that is the reason for the accident it is a little scary for me and i know that it worries my parents alot more then it did. Dad actually told me that i cant drive anywhere but the school from now on i think that he was kidding but this has really affected him to and i'm sure my mom she just tries not to worry in front of me so that i dont get worried! But i just pray that his family realizes that God has a plan for this and that everything will work out in the end, and for the victom of the accident for the moment no one has heard anything about him except that he is in critical condition but other than that no one knows anything. I wonder if he is even concious or if he even knows that Ryan died or anything. It's just all to depressing.

Saturday, August 23, 2008


So this was my second week of school and i have been a littlw busy but not much. Band practices are getting very frustrated because we are down to the wire our first footbal performance is next friday and we are nowhere near ready. Plus the fact that the new kids arent really understanding how important each practice is. They just want to goof off which isnt a choose and this being my fourth year i feel like i am a little bit in charge beucase i have done this so much it just erks me a little when they dont listen and dont take things a seriously as they should. But in other news i found out that for my birthtday Rachel is taking me to see Hawk Nelson in september! I am so excited, and then mom and dad are getting me my class ring we are going to like at them saturday i think unless somthing else comes up but thats exciting to! Rachel sent me this picture of a shirt of my favorite Harry Potter character Ronald Weasley! I think that chandra is the only one who i dont know what she is getting me she should get me this shirt! It's from this place in Santa Monica, California, called Whimsic Alley and it has everything Harry Potter! Plus these hilarious bumper stickers that are so funny! I have to go to bed my mommy said so!!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

What to do?!?!?!

So today was no better with the giant, she stands in front of my locker even when it is open and i cant get in. Luckily during passing periods she will move when i ask her to please excuse me but i still get looks like i asked her to stick her face in a toilet and clean it with her tongue. Its ridiculous! Her boyfriend does it to when i ask him to move i just get looked at, I'm like go to your own locker giant number two golly! I cant stand it, because today after school i went to my locker to get my stuff and leave and i got my locker open and she just kept getting in the way so i couldn't even get in without getting hit in the head with a locker door. The guy who's locker is next to mine is in band with me and asked if i was staying after school and i said no that i was going home and he said Well if you ever make it there!! i don't think that she heard him but seriously! It is really getting on my nerves and it is the third day of school! I wish i could just switch but i don't think that i can but i have had to deal with her for three years and i don't want to have to next year, maybe someone else will move in who's last name fits in right in the middle of ours next year that would be wonderful!!! well i have to sleep now! I get to go to the Ribber fest in Madison tomorrow and i don't know how well that is going to turn out seeing as i don't like BBQ! it will be much fun!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Second Day of School!!

Today was the second day of school and it was so much fun! It started out with a teacher calling me Chelsea, (which is my blonde haired cousin who is the same age as Rachel), then calling me Rachel(who is my sister!), then calling me Chandra(shes my sister to!!) until she finally called me Carly!! This teacher is Mrs. Jones, she started teaching there when mom was a senoir i think i;m surprised she didnt call me Lynn!! I ate a corn dog which hurt my poor poisined tummy!! but pretty much anything i eat hurts me stomach so that's not really fun!! I got to end my school day by getting screamed at for being me and making comments about how people are making a really big deal about chairs when we are about to get a seating chart. Well me and my mouth got yelled at by a giant who apearantly hates all of my little comments because she has yelled at me on more then one occasion but knowing me i dont care i sat there and laughed. But you think that i would care because her locker is right next to mine! Stupid alpheabetical order! Just another year of waiting to get into my locker because of her and her giant boyfriend getting the way and me the little hobbit to frieghtined to just dive in because i might get smushed in the process!! Next i think that i will put up my schedule of my competitions for band!! Some more fun stuff coming up next! Sorry no times yet! We also play at our home football games but are football team sucks so theres no point in coming! We dont even want to be there!!

September 6- North Harrison and Corydon
September 13- TBA
September 20- Paoli
September 27- FLoyd Central
October 4- ISSMA District location TBA
October 11- Salem
October 18- ISSMA Regional and my 17 birthday!!
October 25- ISSMA Semi State
November 1- ISSMA State Finals

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

First Day of School!!!

So today I started my first day of my junior year!!! It was really weird actually just because high school goes by really fast and my best friend kept wondering why all of the freshmen where in her classes! All of those freshmen are actually sophomores!! It was really funny! It is just really weird because to think that i only have two more years left of high school is really cool and freighting at the same time. It is just weird because you wait all of your junior high year for high school and then it goes by so fast, its kind of like a rip off! Other then that my classes seem like they will be really good! I don't know what else to write about surprisingly!

Friday, August 8, 2008

New Experiences!!

So everyone else has a blog and i don't normally like to follow the crowd but I do a lot of things and maybe someone will care about them!! So i decided to start blogging!! So now that i have a blog i don't really know what to write about. Well, Sunday i left for a week long band camp we went to Country Lake which is a very beautiful and nice place. we went there last year also so i was a veteran at band camp and everything was pretty much the same as last year, except that i got sick half way through and had to come home. Tuesday morning i woke up had a muffin that the parents brought for us because breakfast wasn't until nine and we had to be up by six for the marchers to be on the field by seven anyway, these muffins are in a package so they were sticky and not to good but i was hungry so about an hour later my stomach started hurting really bad then i got sick and i didn't tell anybody because i just thought that it was the muffin but then about the third time i threw up i finally told someone but i kept playing because i was helping someone learn their part but then the pain got so bad that i started like bawling. So they got the doctor that we brought Dr. Kemker(his son plays the trumpet in the band) and he just decides to give me a finnagrin thinking that it would stop the nausuness. I fell asleep for about an hour and woke up and started getting sick again so he decides to give me two finnigrin which knocks me out for about two hours. I woke up and couldn't remember where i was and they left me inside by myself i didn't know whether it was morning or night. By this time i thought that they would have called mom but they hadn't. I wake up on Wednesday morning and started getting sick again they finally call mom and she wanted me to eat breakfast and see if it stayed down well it didn't and then one of the moms that was there wouldn't let me call mom and started like shoving a piece of toast down my throat and then wouldn't even let me go to the bathroom by myself i had to walk in backwards because she said that seeing the toilet would make me want to get sick i was getting mad because i felt horrible and she wouldn't let me just do what i needed to do. Finally after lunch she lets me call mom and mom comes and gets me. I feel a little better but some foods still make my stomach hurt really bad. Mom thinks that i might have gotten food poisoning because there was another camp there also and some of their campers were getting sick to. But other then that camp was fun i got to get to know two on the new percussionist better because they bunked next to me and me and one of them talked like all night which we weren't supposed to do but hey we weren't tired! That was probably the longest thing that i have ever written in my life!! I hope that everyone enjoys my fun story!!!