Tuesday, October 28, 2008

An Award!

Mom gave me an award Kreative something or another! i am supposed to list 6 happy things! So here goes:
1. I love music, any kind but rap and country is good for me!
2.Reruns make me happy! because i can watch a show that has been over for years and still think its great.
3.Seeing Kailyn and Camden after not seeing them for a long time!
4. How Emma says my name. She calls me Warly!
5. Making Levi smile and laugh!
6. Family all together.
Lots of things make me happy but family is my most favorite!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

It's been a while...

It sure has! Alot has happened since my last blog. I turned 17, my marching band has done great things. Lets back up here a little bit, we went to floyd central and won that competition, then we traveled to District and got a gold rating which sent us to Regional, our last invitational was was at salem and our director placed us in the highest class were we competed against Paoli and Corydon, these bands go to state almost every year. We lost to Corydon and Beat Paoli by .5 points which is that great. We went to regional last weekend and got a gold rating and we were in the top ten which means we can go to semi-state. We are the first band at my school since 1978 to get past a regional event and we got the highest score since 1978 also we got a 77.75. Last night we went to Franklin Community High School for the ISSMA Semi-State competition if you get in the top ten you you advance to the State Finals at the Lucas Oit Stadium next weekend. We did not place in the top ten but we did place 11 which means we are right there. Next year is our year.